Smarter Balanced Assessment
System, Common Core Standards, Response to Intervention, and a host of other
initiatives are making their way into schools as a way to provide a better
public education for students. History
tells us some of these initiatives may make a difference and some may not. I believe what has always made a difference,
and always will, is the quality of educators a school has in front of students
facilitating learning on a daily basis. In
virtually every study or piece of literature I have read on factors that affect
student learning, the quality of the teacher almost always is at the top of the
list. Although important, the standards,
curriculum, assessments, technology, and physical appearance of the school do
not have nearly as much influence on student learning as the teacher does.
In July, I started serving as the
superintendent of one of the highest academic performing districts in the state
of Wisconsin. I have been asking a lot
of questions of different stakeholders (teachers, support staff, parents, and
students), searching for why the district is performing at such a high level. I feel the answer is that the district has
done a great job attracting, selecting and developing quality teachers who are
making an incredible difference for students.
For a typical teaching vacancy in our district, it is common to get over
300 applications. The Fox Point –
Bayside School District has become a destination district for not only parents
to send their children, but for experienced educators to continue their
professional journey. Most of our
teachers taught in other districts before they came here.
continue to be amazed at the high quality and talent of our educators. I was impressed with the staff development
our staff members were involved in over the summer. Most of our teachers have advanced degrees
and are immersed in continuing to evolve in their craft. Much of my professional career was spent at
the middle school and high school level and now I am seeing firsthand how primary
teachers facilitate the first steps toward literacy; I am simply
awestruck. Teaching really matters.
What do I believe are the primary reasons
our two schools are outperforming other schools? It is because we have
supportive, knowledgeable, curious and resourceful parents who have high
expectations for their children and highly skilled educators who have the
knowledge, skills and dispositions to get the most out of students. It is a good formula for success. As a district, we need to never lose sight of
our investment in attracting, developing and supporting teachers. It has paid great dividends and helped bring
us to where we are as a learning community.
Teachers matter and I am so glad to be a part of the FPBS Team!