Monday, March 17, 2014

Thank You Board Members Alice Lawton and Tim Melchert

School Board members, Alice Lawton and Timothy Melchert, will each finish their terms on March 18th. Both of them will have served for two three-year terms.  When you are a new superintendent, you hope that your board members will be dedicated, student- centered, and supportive like both of them.  The Fox Point – Bayside School District has been so fortunate to have them advocating for students, staff, and community the past six years.  Being a board member is a complex and demanding responsibility.  The argument could be made that their terms were some of the most difficult, given the national, state, and local educational issues that took place during their tenure.  Their public service should serve as a model to all of us.  Local school boards are rooted in U.S. tradition and the foundation of our democracy.  Local school boards continue to do the most important work of their communities, that of influencing the education of our youth.
We often forget the personal sacrifices school board members make by giving up hundreds of hours preparing for and attending meetings.  Each of them is also a spouse, parent, and person with a career. Alice is a playwright, author, and attorney.  Tim is a Professor of Counseling Psychology and author of several books and articles.  I mention that because their choice of public service is pure altruism at its  best.  I know I am a better superintendent as a result of working with each of them the past ten months.  I say, Thank you for your service, Alice and Tim.  May you have some satisfaction knowing you have made great contributions to influencing the learning that is taking place in the Fox Point - Bayside School District
 In closing, I would like to provide a quote that captures the importance of their work.

“There is a place in America to take a stand: it is public education.  It is the underpinning of our cultural and political system.  It is the great common ground.  Public education, after all, is the engine that moves us as a society toward a common destiny… It is public education that the American dream begins to shape.”   - Tom Brokaw